We the members of the Philippine veterinary profession invoking the aid of the Divine Providence, in order to establish an organization that will embody our ideals of public services, safeguard our interests and maintain ethical and professional standards, do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-laws.
The name of this organization shall be the PHILIPPINE VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED" (PVMA) and its principal office shall be located at 416 Union Square Condominium, 15th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City 1109, Philippines
AFFILIATE - a non-stock, non-profit group of a minimum of 25 licensed veterinarians not necessarily situated within a certain geographical unit, organized to achieve a common advocacy. The objectives of the group must be linked to that of the PVMA and it must show its willingness to work with the PVMA.
CHAPTER - a non-stock, non-profit association of a minimum of 20 licensed veterinarians in a defined geographical unit which can be a region, a province or a city.
COOPERATING ORGANIZATION – a group of individuals, not necessarily veterinarians, or institutions, organized to achieve an advocacy pertaining to animal health, animal nutrition, animal production, and/or animal welfare whose objectives are linked with the objectives of PVMA.
Section 1. It shall be the aim of this Association to unite all members of the veterinary profession in the Philippines into a single vital body capable of playing an important role in the promulgation of professional and ethical standards for the practice of veterinary science and medicine.
Section 2. It shall likewise be the aim of the Association to foster cooperation and friendliness with the members of the different allied professions and organizations for the best interest of the State and the public in general.
Section 3. The Association shall strive to relate itself in the execution of the policies and the performance of the duties and responsibilities of government institutions and agencies in the interest of high professional standards.
Section 4. It shall initiate and work for legislation and promulgation of lawful orders intended to increase the serviceability of the veterinary profession as well as safeguard and protect its inherent rights and obligations to society.
Section 1. Membership in this Association shall be exclusive to those graduate Veterinarians licensed by the PROFESSIONAL REGULATIONS COMMISSION (PRC) to practice in the Philippines and who have applied and approved to become a member of the Association.
Section 2. Classification of Membership. Membership in this Association shall be classified into:
a. Regular Members - are those stipulated in Section 1 and paying their annual membership dues and regularly updating his/her PRC registration.
b. Life Members - are regular members who have been religiously paying their PVMA annual membership dues for the past five (5) years and whose application was accepted and approved by the National Officers and Board of Directors. They shall pay the lifetime membership fee as determined by the National Officers and Board of Directors.
c. Honorary members - are individuals recognized for their contribution to PVMA and to the profession. They are those who have rendered eminent and distinguished service of great value to veterinary medicine and are willing to contribute to the cause of this Association. They shall be nominated through the National Officers and Board of Directors and elected in an annual convention. Their admission shall be made as provided in the By-laws. They shall enjoy the privileges of regular members but shall neither hold office nor vote.
Regular or Life members cannot be elected to Honorary Membership.
Section 3. Rights and Privileges of Members of Good Standing - Members shall have rights and privileges to participate in all activities of the PVMA. Lifetime and Regular Members shall enjoy the right to vote and to be elected to any elective position in the National Office and Board of Directors or Councils. This includes other elective positions and appointments in standing committees.
Section 4. All members shall fulfill all requirements which the National Officers and Board of Directors may set forth to safeguard the welfare and interest of the Association.
Section 5. National Officers and members of the Association maybe reprimanded, suspended or expelled for a just cause by 2/3 vote of the members or of the National Officers and Board of Directors, whose decision shall be final, after proper investigation of the members concerned.
Section 6. Loss of Membership - Membership in the Association maybe lost by:
a. Death
b. Non-compliance and or infraction of the rules, regulations, agreements of stated policies of the Association
c. Gross unethical conduct
d. Non-payment of fees and dues and only upon the affirmative vote of the majority of the entire National Officers and Board of Directors and membership in a meeting called for the purpose, and
e. Resignation
Section 7. A certificate of membership shall be issued to each regular member upon admission. The certificate of membership shall state the date of admission as member, and shall be in a form prescribed by the National Officers and Board of Directors, duly signed by the President and Secretary, and duly sealed with the seal of the Association.
Section 1. Newly admitted members shall pay an admission fee of P 1,000.00. Annual membership fee shall be P 500.00 to be paid on or before every annual convention of the Association. Life membership fee shall be P 8,000.00
Section 2. All initial and lifetime membership dues shall be placed in a Trust Fund.
Section 3. The National Officers and Board of Directors shall have the power to increase or update membership as well as other fees, when deemed necessary, through Board resolutions.
Section 4. All Regular and Lifetime members shall pay such special assessment as the National Officers and Board of Directors may require in concurrence with the recommendation of the House of Delegates.
Section 5. Additional funds of the Association shall be spent only as authorized and approved.
Section 1. Annual Meeting - The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held any day of the third week of February at the principal office of Metro Manila, or on such date and place which the National Officers and Board of Directors may deem most appropriate, but must in no way unnecessarily delay the holding of the meeting. In this meeting, the members shall elect the National Officers and Board of Directors of the Association and may transact any business, as may be properly brought before the meeting.
Section 2. Special Meeting - Special meeting of the members maybe called by the President or by order of a majority of the National Officers and Board of Directors whenever it may deem necessary or at the written request of at least 30% of the entire membership.
Section 3. Notices. - Notices of every meeting of members shall be given by the Secretary, or such other officers of the National Officers and Board of Directors, to each members at their address registered with the Association, sent or transmitted by mail or electronic mail, facsimile, courier or related route. Notice for special meetings shall include a brief statement of the purposes of the objects of the meeting.
Section 4. Quorum. – A required 50% + one (1) of the registered delegates during an Annual Convention shall constitute a quorum; provided further that if a quorum is not reached, it can be waived by a 2/3 vote of those attending the meeting.
Section 5. Voting - At every meeting of the members, each member of good standing shall be entitled to vote in person. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.
Section 6. Order of Business - The order of business of annual meeting and, as far as practicable at all other meetings, shall be as follows, unless otherwise amended by the Association.
a. Calling of the roll
b. Recitation of the Professional Deportment
c. Singing of the Imno Beterinaryo Pilipino
d. Secretary's proof of due notice and quorum
e. Reading and disposal of any unapproved minutes
f. Report of officers and resolutions from the Councils
g. Unfinished business
h. COMELEC Announcement/Election
i. New business
j. Adjournment
Section 7. Committee on Elections - A Committee on Elections composed of a chairman and four (4) members shall be appointed by the National Officers and Board of Directors. It shall supervise the conduct of elections, screen votes and candidates, and proclaim the duly elected officers. Any ruling of the Committee may be appealed to the National Officers and Board of Directors, whose decision shall be final. Members of the Committee on Election shall not be qualified to any elective position.
Section 8. Election Inspectors - Each candidate to an elective position shall be entitled to be represented by an election inspector identified and indorsed during the canvassing of votes or ballots.
Section 9. Rules and Procedures on Election - The following conditions and procedures shall be followed in the election of Vice-President and President Elect, Treasurer, Auditor and six (6) members of the Board of Directors of the Association and the Standing Councils.
a. A regular member is qualified to be nominated and voted upon as a candidate provided he is a regular member and shall have been a member of good standing for three (3) years prior to election as duly certified by the National Officers and Board of Directors and provided he is willing to serve.
b. Election shall be by secret ballot.
c. Any member who has not settled all his accounts and financial obligations shall not be qualified to vote or be nominated to any position.
d. A majority of the total number of registered regular member delegates during an Annual Convention who are of good standing shall be required to make an election valid.
e. The candidates to a position garnering the highest number of votes cast win.
f. A tie shall be resolved by the Committee on Elections in a manner approved by the National Officers and Board of Directors.
g. The duly elected officers and directors shall assume office on the date of their election for a term of one (1) year unless sooner disqualified for cause.
Section 1. All applications for membership shall be submitted in writing and be duly vouched for by two (2) regular members of good standing of the Association. It must be accompanied by One Thousand (P 1,000.00) pesos to cover membership fee and the first year's due, which sum shall be returned to the applicant should he/she be not elected to membership.
Section 2. All applications for membership shall be filed with the National Officers and Board of Directors which shall decide its approval or rejection. Applications adversely considered and re-submitted to the Board shall be final and not again entertained until one (1) year from the date it was rejected.
Section 3. Only those graduates from veterinary schools or colleges recognized by the Philippine Government, duly registered by the Professional Regulation Commission or Association of other countries acceptable in standing by the Association in accordance with law may be admitted to membership.
Section 4. Nominations for Honorary Membership shall be submitted by any regular member to the National Officers and Board of Directors accompanied by a brief statement setting forth the accomplishments of the nominee upon which a right to honorary membership shall be based. Such nomination shall be the hand of the National Officers and Board of Directors at least two (2) days before any regular meeting. The nomination shall be considered at the next meeting of the National Officers and Board of Directors. If the action is unfavorable, the nomination shall be returned to the nominator and no report shall be made to the Association. If the nomination is acceptable, the Board shall recommend and present at least twenty four (24) hours shall have elapsed between the nomination and the election. Not more than three (3) honorary memberships may be conferred in any one (1) year.
Section 1. National Officers and Board of Directors. The corporate powers of the Association shall be exercised and its business conducted by the National Officers and Board of Directors composed of the following:
a. President
b. Vice-President and President-Elect
c. Treasurer
d. Auditor
e. Six (6) Board of Directors
f. Immediate Past President
Section 2. Positions to be elected (officers and members of the board to be nominated) during the annual meeting are Vice-President and President-Elect, Treasurer, Auditor and Six (6) Board of Directors and the five (5) Council Members. Each nominee shall be present to indicate his willingness to serve when elected in order to be considered for election. The Vice-President and President-Elect shall automatically become the President after the latter's term expires. He shall appoint the Secretary and Public Relations Officer from among the six (6) Directors. The Immediate Past President shall automatically become a member of the Board of Directors with the title of Immediate Past President. He is disqualified to run for Vice-President and President-Elect until after his term as Immediate Past President shall have expired. Any elected official that resigns his/her position is ineligible to run for any elective position within three (3) years from resignation. Qualification for nominees for Vice-President and President-Elect. He/She has been an active member and of good standing in the association for at least three (3) years. And he/she has served as a Board member for one (1) year and also served as the President of a chapter, affiliate, or specialty college or has served in the National Board for two (2) years.
Only those who have been elected and served as a member of the National Officers and Board of Directors including Treasurer and Auditor and the Chairmen of the Standing Councils and Presidents of Chapters, Specialty Colleges or Affiliates can be nominated and elected as Vice-President and President-Elect. He should have served two (2) full terms in the National Board provided that one (1) term as a President of a Chapter, Specialty College or Affiliate can substitute for the one (1) term in the National Board.
The National Officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice-President and President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Auditor and the Board of Directors. The Secretary and Public Relation Officer shall be appointed by the President among the six (6) Board of Directors. No President shall be eligible for re-election after his term has expired but maybe qualified and elected anew one (1) year thereafter. He shall serve as Immediate Past President and cannot run for Vice-President and President-Elect in the election during his term as President. Any resignation of a member as President and Immediate Past President automatically disqualifies him to run for Vice-President and President-Elect and other elective positions within a period of five (5) years starting immediately from the time of resignation.
Section 3. Meetings - The National Officers and Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings once a month at the PVMA Home or in such time and place as the National Officers and Board of Directors may designate. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon the written request of at least five (5) of the Board of Directors. A majority of the National Officers and Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. Notices, either verbal or written, are necessary in all regular meetings. Notices of all special meetings of the National Officers and Board of Directors shall be mailed or electronically mailed to each officer and director at his/her last known address, or delivered to him/her personally, or transmitted by facsimile/telegraph/telephone/electronic mail, at least two (2) days prior to the date fixed for the meeting.
Section 4. Specific Powers - Without in any way shall the power of management, direction and control conferred upon the National Officers and Board of Directors under Section 1 of this Article be transferred to anybody. Authority is hereby conferred upon the National Officers and Board of Directors to state from time to time the policy of the Association in matters of general interest to the members for their guidance and welfare. No member shall act contrary to a policy so stated, under penalty of loss of membership, as herein provided.
Section 5. To carry out the objectives and activities of the Association, the following committees shall be created.
a. Education and Information Committee - five members
b. Legislation and Resolution Committee - three members
c. Finance Committee - five members
d. Program Committee - three members
Section 6. Apart from the foregoing standing committees, the National Officers and Board of Directors may create such other committees necessary to the full realization of the objectives of the Association.
Section 7. The Chairman of each of the various committees shall be chosen from the members of the National Officers and Board of Directors. Thereafter, the chairman of each committee shall draw his members from among the regular members of the Association and shall submit the composition of his/her committee to the Board for confirmation.
Section 8. The functions of the standing committees and such other committees that may be created shall be defined by the National Officers and Board of Directors on the basis of current and anticipated situations which affect the objectives and interests of the Association. All committees shall therefore be recommendatory to the National Officers and Board of Directors.
Section 1. Duties and Powers of the President
a. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association
b. He/She shall preside at all meetings of the Board and the Association.
c. He/She shall carry into effect the decision and resolution of the National Officers and Board of Directors and the will of the members of the Association.
d. He/She shall supervise the affairs and activities of the Association.
e. He/She shall attend to all negotiable instruments, checks, notes, contracts and other papers pertaining to the Association.
f. He/She shall submit an annual report to all officers and members of the Association at the annual meeting.
g. He/She shall also perform all the duties and functions inherent in the office of the President and such other assignments required.
h. He/She shall be the ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2. Duties of the Vice-President and President-Elect
a. He/She automatically becomes President one (1) year after his/her election and he/she shall assume office immediately after the annual convention.
b. He/She shall perform the duties of the President in case of the latter's absence or inability to serve or conduct the affairs of the Association.
c. He/She shall perform such other duties and functions as the National Officers and Board of Directors or the President may, from time to time assign to him/her.
d. He/She shall be the Chairman of the Annual Convention and Scientific Conference
Section 3. Duties of the Secretary
a. The Secretary shall properly keep and file records of the minutes of the meetings of the National Officers and Board of Directors and the members of the Association and other documents.
b. He/She shall be the custodian of the Association seal and banner.
c. He/She shall attest all membership certificates and all formal contracts executed by the Association or by the National Officers and Board of Directors.
d. He/She shall attend to all correspondence of the Association.
e. He/She shall send out notice for all regular and special meetings of the National Office and Board of Directors as prescribed under Section 3 Article VII of this By-laws and notices to all members of the Association regarding the National/Chapter convention and similar events.
f. He/She shall also perform such other duties and functions as the National Officers and Board of Directors or the President may, from time to time assign to him.
Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer
a. The Treasurer shall have custody of all the funds, properties of the Association.
b. He/She shall keep proper and accurate account of funds, property, assets and liabilities of the Association and have such accounts open for examination during office hours by duly authorized person by the National Officers and Board of Directors.
c. He/She shall deposit the funds of the Association in such bank or banks as may be designated by the National Officers and Board of Directors in the name of the Association.
d. He/She shall render reports as to the financial position of the Association at every annual meeting or in any meetings by the National Officers and Board of Directors.
e. He/She shall be bonded for an amount to be determined by the Board, the premium payment being at the expense of the Association.
f. He/She shall perform such other duties as the National Officers and Board of Directors or the President may, from time to time assign to him.
Section 5. Duties of the Auditor
a. The Auditor shall examine and pass upon all accounts of the Association.
b. He/She shall countersign the annual report of the Treasurer.
c. He/She shall audit the financial statement of the Association,
d. He/She shall perform such other duties as the National Officers and Board of Directors or the President may from time to time assign to him.
Section 6. Duties of the Press Relations Officer
a. The Public Relations Officer shall see to it that the policies of the Board regarding publication and publicity shall be implemented.
b. It shall be his duty to release for publication in any newspaper, magazine or electronic media such news of the Association which it may desire to be published.
c. He/She shall see to it that the activities and accomplishments of the Association are published and made known to the people by means of any media available to him.
d. He/She shall see to it that the Association’s web page is regularly updated and all the relevant information, programs and activities are published on time.
e. He/She shall also promote cordial relations with other professional, business and civic organizations with the end in view of creating a respectable image and reputation of the Association.
e. He/She shall perform such other duties as the National Officers, and Board of Directors or the President may, from time to time assign to him.
Section 7. In case of sickness or absence or any disability of any of the above mentioned National Officers and Board of Directors. The President may designate and entrust the powers, duties and functions of the sick, absent or disabled officer to any of the Board of Directors.
Section 8. Resignation - Any officer may resign subject to the approval of the National Officers and Board of Directors. Upon approval of such resignation, subject officer shall turn over to the Board all property, records, papers, etc. entrusted to him/her and to settle whatever accountability he/she has with the Association.
Section 9. Removal - Any officer at any time maybe removed from office with cause upon the affirmative vote of the majority of the National Officers and Board of directors.
Section 10. Vacancies - Vacancies in any office shall be filled by election by the National Officers and Board of Directors constituting a quorum, from among themselves, or from the regular membership for the unexpired term only.
Section 11. Endorsement – An immediate meeting shall be held in the soonest possible time after the Convention by the incumbent and newly elected National Officers and Board of Directors to facilitate the transfer of current and continuing businesses, duly accounted monies and properties of the Association.
Section 1. Chapters maybe established in appropriate places subject to the PVMA Constitution and By-laws and upon recommendation by a Resolution of the House of Delegates and the approval of the National Officers and Board of Directors.
Section 2. Specialty Colleges and Affiliates may be recognized by the PVMA upon mutual understanding with the concerned organization and upon approval of the Board and Ratification of the General Assembly of members in an annual meeting provided that the members of the said organization/s are also bonafide members of the PVMA and have affirmed their application with the National Office. Veterinary related organizations may also be considered, however, their relationship would be limited in form as stipulated in the memorandum of agreement. They will be called associate affiliates. They shall "not" be entitled to representation in the House of Delegates.
Section 3. Cooperating Organizations may be recognized by the PVMA upon mutual understanding with the concerned organization and upon approval of the Board and Ratification of the General Assembly of members in an annual meeting.
Section 4. House of Delegates. It shall be composed of the elected Presidents of the Respective Chapters, Specialty Colleges, Affiliates and Cooperating Organizations, as well as the Chairpersons of each of the Councils. The National Officers and Board of Directors shall attend and participate in the deliberations but shall have no voting power. The decision to send a Representative shall depend on the Chapters, Specialty Colleges, Affiliates and Cooperating Organizations concerned and such must be covered by a written authorization. It shall act on issues brought about by the members. It shall draft recommendations and resolutions to be presented to the National Officers and Board of Directors for their decision and action. It shall act as advisory to the Board. It shall elect a Speaker and a Speaker Pro-tempore and Secretary from among the members. The PVMA National President shall be an ex-Officio member of the assembly. It shall convene quarterly or at least twice a year. The last being held before the annual meeting/convention.
Section 5. There shall be the following Councils which positions shall be elected during the annual meeting. There shall be five (5) members in each council who shall serve for a period of five (5) years. Election for one (1) member of each council shall be held yearly during the annual meeting to fill the expired term of one (1) council member. Vacated positions shall be filled in the same manner. No officer or member of the Board of Directors shall hold a concurrent position in the councils. No council member shall hold a concurrent position in other councils. He/She must resign in one (1) position to run in another position. Only regular or life members with five (5) years of continuous membership are qualified to be nominated for any council seat.
In case a council member resigns or is removed from office, elections shall be held at the same time during annual election for the vacated position. However, those elected under this situation shall have a term of office equal only to the unexpired term of the vacated position.
A Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall be elected every two years by the members of each council from among the members of each individual council.
Council on Legislation - shall advise the Board of Directors on internal and external legislation agenda. It shall assist the President or in his absence represent the Association in the public hearings set by the Philippine government. It shall draft bills that will affect the profession and upon approval of the Board of Directors submit such to the Philippine House of Representatives and the Philippine Senate for their action. Corollary to this; it shall lobby for the approval of such bills. It shall examine the PVMA Constitution and By-laws and from time to time submit proposed amendments to the National Officers and Board of Directors for their action. It shall act on other legal and legislative matters assigned to it by the National Officers and Board of Directors may assign to it.
Council on Ethics - shall safeguard the proper conduct of the PVMA members. It shall from time to time review the PVMA Code of Ethics for the purpose of updating the code and proposing amendments thereof. It shall interpret the Code of Ethics with reference to issues and complaints referred to it by and against members through the National Officers and Board of Directors. It shall adjudicate complaints on fellow members submitted to the National Officers and Board of Directors. Being an autonomous arm, it shall decide on these complaints and present its decision to the National Officers and Board of Directors for disposition.
Council on Biologics and Therapeutic Agents – shall represent the PVMA in matters of this nature, such as the Committee of Veterinary Drugs of the Bureau of Food and Drugs. It shall advise the PVMA on matters pertaining to drug reactions, drug usage and others. It shall work on matters related to its title, and such other matters assigned to it by the National Officers and Board of Directors.
Council on Animal Welfare – shall deal with issues on Animal Welfare. It shall promulgate rules and regulations, positions and opinions regarding Animal Welfare.
Council on Continuing Professional Education - shall represent the Association in external matters such as but not limited to representation of the PVMA in the Professional Regulations Commission - Continuing Professional Education Council on Veterinary Medicine (PRC-CPEC-VM) and CPE activities of the national organization, chapters and affiliates.
Council on Specialty Colleges – shall evaluate the specialty colleges which are applying for recognition from the PVMA and recommend to the National Officers and Board of Directors the approval of the recognition. It shall advise the PVMA on all matters pertaining to the Specialty Colleges.
Council on Technical Standards – shall ensure that all PVMA members adhere to the technical standards. It shall from time to time review the Code of Technical Standards for Doctors of Veterinary Medicine (CTSDVM) for the purpose of updating the code and proposing amendments thereof. It shall interpret the CTSDVM with reference to issues and complaints referred to it by and against members through the National Officers and Board of Directors. It shall adjudicate complaints on fellow members submitted to the National Officers and Board of Directors. Being an autonomous arm, it shall decide on these complaints and present its decision to the National Officers and Board of Directors for disposition.
The Standing Council shall perform other duties and functions as the National Officers and Board of Directors or the President may, from time to time, assign to them.
The Councils shall regularly report and their decisions and opinions of the Councils shall be presented or forwarded as a resolution to the National Officers and Board of Directors for their decision and final implementation.
Section 1. The corporate year of the Association starts on March 1 up to the last day of February of each year after the National Officers and Board of Directors are elected and ends on the same period of the succeeding year when the term of the elected officers expire.
Section 1. Form of Seal. The corporate seal of the PVMA shall be circular and bear the Veterinary symbol and name of the Association. The seal if altered shall be presented to the general membership for approval.
Section 2. The seal of the Association shall be used or reproduced for any purpose approved by the National Officers and Board of Directors.
Section 1. The National Officers and Board of Directors may from time to time adopt and promulgate rules and regulations that may deem necessary not otherwise inconsistent with these By-laws, but shall not amend, alter or repeal any provisions of these By-laws and its amendments thereto.
Section 2. The PVMA Constitution and By-laws maybe amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote of members of good standing who are entitled to vote at any regular or special meeting duty called for the purpose.
Section 3. Proposed amendments shall be forwarded by National Officers and Board of Directors.
VOTED upon and Adopted on the 21st day of February 2019 during the Business Meeting of the General Membership at the 86th PVMA Scientific Conference and Annual Convention at the Iloilo Convention Center, Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines.